Spiritual Allies
On the Path
6:30 - 8:30 PM EST
Abstract Art,
Guided Meditation, Avant-Garde Viola,
and Book Launch!
Join us for the grand finale of our Winter Teaching Cycle "Transforming Spiritual Obstacles into Helpers,” as we celebrate the release of Nuala Clarke’s new book Irish Moss of a Dead Man's Skull.
Our capstone event explores spiritual transformation through abstract art, color, and healing. Nuala Clarke and Crystal Gandrud will share insights from their newest book, Irish Moss of a Dead Man's Skull, in addition to avante-garde viola with Rob Ward, and guided meditations with Megan Mook and Kevin Townley.
Irish Moss of a Dead Man's Skull is "an alchemical portfolio; an ode to light, color, loss, and the elements, a fierce meditation on the inherent healing power of abstract art.”
Join us for this very special Dharma Friends, followed by a book signing and light snacks.
6:30 - 8:30 PM EST
Our Winter Teaching Cycle
"Transforming Spiritual Obstacles into Helpers”
January • February • March
We opened the cycle in January at our One Year Anniversary Party with a live Chöd ritual, a powerful way to cleanse obstacles for the new year. In February, we explored Feeding Your Demons, a profound method of spiritual and psychological transformation, developed by Lama Tsultrim Allione and inspired by Chöd. Our March capstone event explores abstract art as a powerful form of alchemy / transformation / help on the spiritual path.
Weekly Online Meditations
Weekly Online Meditations
Every Monday in between
our gatherings at
Tibet House
Free / By Donation
Special Guests
Nuala Clarke is an abstract painter living in the west of Ireland. Her work is shown throughout the world and has been supported through grants from The Arts Council, Ireland. She is engaged in a multidisciplinary research project into Robert Boyle and the healing probabilities of abstract art.
Crystal Gandrud is an experimental writer and acquiring editor living between Cambridge, New York, and Normandy. Her work can be found in many literary journals and often pushes the boundary between the written word and art. She has practiced Vajrayana Buddhism for over 20 years.
Rob Ward is the songwriter and lead vocalist for Food Will Win the
War. He began his music studies as a classically trained violist and
went on to study music theory and composition under composers such as Marc Cheban, Steve Miles, Rob Constable, James Fei, Brad Garton, Jason Freeman, and Luke Dubois.
Through these studies, he developed his current technique to create “soundscapes” using processed field recordings, electronically synthesized sound, and live performance on traditional western instruments. He also performs drone-based solo viola compositions and improvisations. -
Kate Greer Dickson will lead this month’s follow up online meditations.
Kate is a student and teacher of Hatha Yoga for twenty years, a committed Vajrayana Buddhist practitioner, and an apprentice Dharma teacher under her teacher, Lama Tsultrim Allione. She is completing her PhD in Depth Psychology, founded by Carl G. Jung, and is a certified Feeding your Demons teacher and facilitator. She is a mother to two sons who rock her world.
Alchemy & Art as Allies on the Path
Monday • March 24
6:30 - 8:30 PM EST
Tibet House NYC | Online